School Board – Districts 67 and 115
The Boards of Education make decisions about school policy, budget, and curriculum and hire a superintendent. Through written policies, the board directs and empowers the superintendent to function as chief executive officer in managing all aspects of district operations. The board evaluates the superintendent’s work and holds that person accountable for district performance and compliance with board policy. The District 67 Board is the official governing body of Lake Forest Elementary District 67 schools, and the District 115 Board is the official governing body of Lake Forest Community High School District 115.
Seven residents are elected from the community at large to serve on each board, and do not represent specific school neighborhoods. Newly-elected board members will serve four-year terms without pay. School board elections are held on the first Tuesday of April in odd-numbered years.
Lake Forest Elementary District 67
Lake Forest Elementary School District 67 is recognized both statewide and nationally for its innovative instructional practices and educational programs. Its exemplary professional staff strives to meet the changing needs of students in our dynamic world. A progressive K-8 district of approximately 1,600 students, District 67 includes three elementary schools—Cherokee Elementary School (K-4), Everett Elementary School (K-4), and Sheridan Elementary School (Pre-K-4 )—as well as Deer Path Middle School (5-8). Through its mission, District 67 seeks “to inspire and empower all students to maximize their growth as learners and develop a balanced sense of self, steadfast resiliency, and deep respect for others.”
Inclusive practices are a hallmark of District 67, as the organization strives to embrace all learners as valued members of the school community and provide effective instruction in inclusive, heterogeneous classrooms. District 67 provides rigorous, differentiated, and personalized educational experiences through opportunities such as inquiry and student-driven learning, which empower students through authentic and future ready learning experiences. In addition to academics, District 67 places a strong focus on providing a full continuum of social, emotional, and behavioral support to all students, with an emphasis on developing a proactive, positive, and safe learning environment.
The Board of Education meets monthly (except for August), generally on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at Lake Forest High School’s West Campus, 300 S. Waukegan Road.
More information about the District 67 Board of Education can be found here.
Lake Forest Community High School District 115
Lake Forest High School (LFHS) serves the communities of Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, and Knollwood—northern suburbs of Chicago—and takes pride in developing compassionate, confident and accomplished students. LFHS faculty and staff are committed to student growth with dedicated adults who respect and value the individual. Students are guided by talented professionals who are passionate about their work of providing academic excellence for all learners and more than 95% of our students go on to higher-level education. The school’s mission is “to inspire the passion to learn, the insight to know oneself, and the courage to make a difference.” Lake Forest High School was recognized in 2021 as a National Blue Ribbon School for its overall high academic performance.
A student body of approximately 1,400 are engaged in an innovative and inclusive learning environment. Students are encouraged to take risks and explore new learning experiences knowing that they will be supported throughout their educational journey. In addition to comprehensive academic choices, Lake Forest High School students grow through participation in extracurricular activities, a thriving career connections program, and community service programs that help build character, and strengthen collaboration and communication skills. Lake Forest High School offers a well-rounded school experience while being mindful of each student’s social emotional growth allowing students to be their best self as they move forward with the tools for life-long success. Feeder schools for Lake Forest High School include Deer Path Middle School (5-8) and Lake Bluff Middle School (6-8) as well as several private and parochial schools in the area.
The Board meets monthly (except for January and August), generally on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Lake Forest High School’s West Campus, 300 S. Waukegan Road.
More information about the District 115 Board of Education can be found here.
Shared Services
The Boards of Education of District 67 and Lake Forest High School District 115 entered into a Shared Service Agreement in July of 2004. July 20, 2004 with a purpose of strengthening the coordination of educational programs from Kindergarten through 12th Grade and improving operational effectiveness through the sharing of administrative personnel, combined purchasing power, and economies of scale. Each district remains independent and autonomous.
District departments/personnel that fall under the Shared Service Agreement include the Office of the Superintendent, Business Office (finance, operations, food service, and transportation), Communications, Human Resources, Technology Services, and Buildings/Grounds.
Main Responsibilities of the Board (per the Illinois Association of School Boards)
The board clarifies the District’s purpose.
As its primary task, the board continually defines, articulates, and re-defines district ends to answer the recurring question — who gets what benefits for how much with attention to at least two key concerns: student learning and organizational effectiveness.
The board connects with the community.
The school board engages in an ongoing two-way conversation with the entire community.
The board employs a superintendent.
The board employs and evaluates one person — the superintendent — and holds that person accountable for district performance and compliance with written board policy.
Although the board is legally required to approve all employment contracts, the board delegates authority to the superintendent to select and evaluate all district staff within the standards established in written board policy.
The board delegates authority.
The board delegates authority to the superintendent to manage the district and provide leadership for the staff. Such authority is communicated through written board policies that designate district ends and define operating parameters.
The board does maintain financial oversight of the district, including approving the budget and any contracts or expenditures over $25,000.00, approving the tax levy, and approving annual compensation adjustments for shared services staff members.
The board monitors performance.
The board constantly monitors progress toward district ends and compliance with written board policies using data as the basis for assessment.
The board takes responsibility for itself.
The board, collectively and individually, takes full responsibility for board activity and behavior—the work it chooses to do and how it chooses to do the work. Individual board members are obligated to express their opinions and respect others’ opinions; however, board members understand the importance of abiding by the majority decisions of the board.