Why Is The Caucus Non-Partisan and How Does It Benefit Lake Forest?
The City of Lake Forest’s mission is, “Be the best-managed, fiscally-responsible and appealing community and promote a community spirit of trust, respect and citizen involvement.”
The Lake Forest Caucus supports the City’s mission by enabling our residents to become involved and volunteer for the over 100 openings on boards and committees each year and allows the city to tap into the wealth of experience within our community.
The goal is to focus on the city and the needs of the local residents first and foremost. The Caucus process saves the city money and it helps to avoid the often divisive partisan politics that play out at the state and national level. Instead of “politicking” the Caucus process focuses on finding volunteers that are qualified with the right experience and then helps to vet them appropriately before nomination . We seek candidates that make decisions that benefit our entire city vs for some political agenda for just a portion of the community.
As a result, our city has enjoyed a strong financial position and a AAA bond rating within a State that struggles in these ways. We have top 10 rated schools in the State. We enjoy great amenities and have an excellent city management team with a great staff. We are fortunate to have so many citizens in the community willing to serve the city with robust skills and experiences that fit the various openings we have each year.