Caucus 2024-25 Officers – May 30 Election

An election for Caucus 2024-25 Officers will be held Thursday, May 30th at Gorton Center from 2-8pm.   Bring your ID to confirm registered voter Lake Forest residency.
Below is the recommended Officers:
  • Joe Oriti, President
  • Regina Etherton, Vice President
  • Dale Tauke, Secretary
  • Fred Brewer, Treasurer
  • Jennifer McGregor, Fundraising
  • Mark Pickett, External Communications
  • Armando Guzman, Internal Communications

Only one current Caucus Committee member who is eligible to be President in 2024-25 per Caucus Bylaws is willing to serve. This person – Joe Oriti – is also the most qualified. The other Officers all have the requisite skills, experience, and willingness to effectively execute their roles.

Over the last five years, the Caucus Committee has recommended over a hundred volunteers who capably served (and are capably serving) Lake Forest. All our candidates for elected positions have been decisively elected, and re-elected, by Lake Forest residents. The hard work of these volunteers has helped make Lake Forest the best run city in Illinois with extraordinary resident satisfaction as confirmed by a recent city survey. This tremendous success is achieved by effective Caucus leadership, and the contributions from 43 elected Caucus Committee members.

The Caucus Officer team is committed to lead the Caucus Committee forward to do the work which has served Lake Forest well for over 90 years: recruit, interview, and recommend highly qualified Lake Forest residents to serve, without personal agenda, bias or politics, on city and school board elected offices and city appointed governmental boards and commissions.

Posted in News and Events.